Dallas Dance
Maryland State prosectors today indicted Baltimore County Public Schools Superintendent Dallas Dance on four counts of perjury. He is accused of taking nearly $150,000 in consulting fees from companies but failing to disclose those payments in sworn statements. The indictment says he also helped one of the companies get a no-bid contract from BCPS.
He is also accused of setting up an LLC, called Deliberate Excellence, to take the consulting payments but then signing disclosure documents that said he received no money from the LLC — despite getting tens of thousands of dollars from it, according to the indictment.
Each count carries a penalty of up to 10 years for a total of 40 years in prison.
Related: BCPS needs to show us the money when it comes to technology initiative
State Prosecutor Emmet C. Davitt said in a statement that “Parents of Baltimore County Public students should be able to trust that their Superintendent of Schools is carrying out his duties, honestly, with transparency and in the best interests of the students and the schools. Any violation of that trust is intolerable.”
Interim Superintendent Verletta White also failed to disclose some consulting fees, an investigation by The Baltimore Sun found, and she has since agreed to travel and outside-work restrictions. She said Dance encouraged her to do the consulting work and that her failure to disclose it was an honest mistake. Her work was with a firm unrelated to those in the Dance indictment.
Related: More than $60 million in BCPS contracts linked to controversial private clients
White put out a statement today saying: “We are surprised and saddened to hear about the charges against former Superintendent Dallas Dance. It is important to note, there are no accusations of wrongdoing by the current administration or me. I have full confidence in the integrity of our staff and organization as a whole. We will stay focused and continue to work diligently to provide the best education possible for our more than 113,000 students.”
Related: Students not benefitting from Dallas Dance’s costly travels
Dance resigned abruptly in April 2017 with no other job lined up. He had just been awarded another four-year contract with BCPS. He could not immediately be reached for comment today.
The same month that Dance’s contract was renewed, a former BCPS employee filed an ethics complaint against Dance in which he questioned whether the superintendent was spending too much time on speaking engagements.
Related: Answers thin, logic thinner in BCPS tech initiative
“I’m sad and concerned with the indictment, but not shocked. There were enough questions over the past five years to prompt due diligence by the board. Unfortunately, the Board failed to act accordingly every step of the way,” said Board of Education member Ann Miller, who has asked for more oversight of contracts. “This underscores the critical need for a Special Review Audit by the Office of Legislative Audits to set a baseline for the new permanent superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools.”
Dance also has a new book that came out this month that shares the name of the LLC mentioned in the indictment: “Deliberate Excellence.” The one review it’s gotten mentions today’s indictment.
Dance was the architect of the STAT program (Students and Teachers Accessing Tomorrow), which is giving all BCPS students their own laptops. The program, whose price tag is close to $300 million, was controversial, with many parents and educators worried that interactions with screens was taking away from interactions with teachers and other students. Critics also said there was no evidence that relying so heavily on technology would improve students’ education.
Dance’s BCPS annual salary was $287,800, plus retirement and health benefits, a car and other compensation.
The full indictment is below:
at Baltimore County, pursuant to a common scheme and plan to conceal the nature and extent of his outside business interests and conflicts of interest, committed the offenses specified herein:
Allegations Common to All Counts
Perjury, 2012 Financial Disclosure
And the Jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do incorporate herein the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 10 and do further present that the said
at Baltimore County, on or about February 12, 2013 did willfully and falsely make affirmation as to material facts in an affidavit required by State law and local government and governmental officials with the legal authority to require the issuance of an affidavit, to wit: did complete and submit the Financial Disclosure Form covering calendar year 2012, the contents of which were affirmed by executing the following statement thereon:
This Financial Disclosure Statement describes all interests and related transactions and matters required to be disclosed by State Government Article, Title 15, Subtitle 8 of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, COMAR 19A.05, and Board of Education Policy 8364, with respect to the period indicated and pertaining to the person filing the Statement.
I hereby make oath or affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of this Financial Disclosure Statement including the Schedules attached hereto, are complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
the said SHAUN DALLAS DANCE well-knowing that the facts sworn to were materially false and incomplete in that SHAUN DALLAS DANCE:
in violation of §9-101 of the Criminal Law Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, and against the peace, government and dignity of the State.
CR 9-101 Perjury
10 years
CJIS Code 1-0307
Perjury, Addendum to 2013 Financial Disclosure
And the Jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do incorporate herein the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 10 and do further present that the said
at Baltimore County, on or about August, 29, 2016 did willfully and falsely make affirmation as to material facts in an affidavit required by State law and local government and governmental officials with the legal authority to require the issuance of an affidavit, to wit: did complete and submit an addendum to the Financial Disclosure Form covering calendar year 2013, stating that “[n]either I nor any member of my family earned any income from DELIBERATE EXCELLENCE in 2013,” the truth of which DANCE affirmed by executing the following statement thereon:
I hereby make oath or affirm under penalties of perjury that this ADDENDUM is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
the said SHAUN DALLAS DANCE well-knowing that the facts sworn to were materially false and incomplete in that SHAUN DALLAS DANCE received $72,000.00, more or less, in payments for services rendered by him for DELIBERATE EXCELLENCE, consisting of $63,822.72 from Synesi; $4,999.00 from the City of Providence Department of Public Schools; and $4,161.37 from Tompkins –Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative Education Services, in violation of §9-101 of the Criminal Law Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, and against the peace, government and dignity of the State.
CR 9-101, Perjury
10 years
CJIS Code 1-0307
Perjury, 2015 Financial Disclosure
And the Jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do incorporate herein the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 10 and do further present that the said
at Baltimore County, on or about April 9, 2016 did willfully and falsely make affirmation as to material facts in an affidavit required by State law and local government and governmental officials with the legal authority to require the issuance of an affidavit, to wit: did complete and submit the Financial Disclosure Form covering calendar year 2015, the contents of which were affirmed by executing the following statement thereon:
This Financial Disclosure Statement describes all interests and related transactions and matters required to be disclosed by General Provisions Article, Title 5, Subtitle 8 of the Maryland Public Ethics Law, COMAR 19A.05, and Board of Education Policy 8364, with respect to the period indicated and pertaining to the person filing the Statement.
I hereby make oath or affirm under the penalties of perjury that the contents of this Financial Disclosure Statement, including the Schedules attached hereto, are complete, true, and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief.
The said SHAUN DALLAS DANCE well-knowing that the facts sworn to were materially false and incomplete in that SHAUN DALLAS DANCE:
CR 9-101, Perjury (CJIS Code 1-0307)
10 years
Perjury, Addendum to 2015 Financial Disclosure
And the Jurors aforesaid, upon their oath aforesaid, do incorporate herein the allegations contained in paragraphs 1 through 10 and do further present that the said
at Baltimore County, on or about August, 29, 2016 did willfully and falsely make affirmation as to material facts in an affidavit required by State law and local government and governmental officials with the legal authority to require the issuance of an affidavit, to wit: did complete and submit an addendum to the Financial Disclosure Form covering calendar year 2015, stating that “During the reporting period, neither me nor a member of my family earned any income from Deliberate Excellence, LLC.,” the truth of which SHAUN DALLAS DANCE affirmed by executing the following statement thereon:
I hereby make oath or affirm under penalties of perjury that this ADDENDUM is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.
the said SHAUN DALLAS DANCE well-knowing that the facts sworn to were materially false and incomplete in that SHAUN DALLAS DANCE received $47,000.00 in payments for services rendered by him through DELIBERATE EXCELLENCE, including of $42,501.06 from Pasadena Unified School District in Pasadena, California; $3,838.01 from Pasadena Educational Foundation; and $1,000.00 from Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, in violation of §9-101 of the Criminal Law Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, and against the peace, government and dignity of the State.
CR 9-101 Perjury
10 years
CJIS Code 1-0307
New update on BCPS administrators’ Tech Travel: $400,000. Seven offices. A handful of employees. For next year alone.
“Looks like Baltimore County Public Schools administrators will be heading to more snazzy hotels in Florida, California, Arizona, and other environs this next school year—despite increased concerns over school district spending priorities.
The 2018-19 BCPS proposed budget is out, and answers to school board member questions released yesterday have turned up a few bon mots: Remember those nebulous “other charges” in the current budget that appeared to be slated for ‘conference dues, mileage, and travel.‘ Well, they were, and still are: To the tune of nearly $400,000 in possible junket monies for just seven offices, which employ about 16 employees–and not all of those people even travel.”
See more info and links to BCPS documents here: https://statusbcps.wordpress.com/2018/01/24/tech-travel-update-400000-seven-offices-a-handful-of-employees-for-next-year-alone/
For more info and background on the indictment, and related ethics violations, see the following articles as well:
Yes–this outlines what has been hidden from the public, and yet BCPS is still going forward with questionable multi-million dollar contracts that superintendent Dallas Dance brought to the school district under these circumstances. An outside, independent state legislative audit is REQUIRED, because, as the multi-part indictment notes: the financial disclosure statements . . . “under oath or affirmation,” were to disclose his financial affairs and document “his business-related transactions during the preceding calendar year . . . to assure the public and the Board of Education that his impartiality and independent judgment was not impaired by conflicts of interest and to guard against improper influence and the appearance of improper influence . . . ”
The state of Maryland is not doing its due diligence on behalf of taxpayers, residents, and all Baltimore County Public Schools stakeholders if they do not AUDIT BCPS expenditures, contracts, services rendered, payments, travel/hotel and other costs, especially as related to costly programs–such as the $300 million-plus digital initiative–instituted under Dance’s tenure.