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Rendering unveiled for Patriot Plaza redesign


Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz unveiled the final rendering for a new urban park to be located between the Historic Courthouse and County Courts building in Towson. Flanked by memorials to fallen police and fire fighters, the new plaza will create usable green space for the people who live, work and visit downtown Towson.

“The acclaimed Towson courthouse gardens have long been a source of pride for our county,” Kamenetz said in a statement. “This new green setting at the opposite side of the Historic Courthouse will be a wonderful addition to the grounds and provide a welcoming venue for people to gather during the week and for special events. We worked with community and civic groups to achieve a special design.”

The new green space will replace an impervious concrete and paver courtyard centered by a fountain that has not functioned for several years. Leaks in the fountain’s infrastructure require immediate reconstruction of a significant portion of the plaza. Repairs must take place on a tight time frame to avoid additional costly damage to office spaces and technology systems located below the plaza.

“I would like to thank my colleagues on the Baltimore County Council for their support of this project,” Councilman David Marks said in an email. “There were quite a few discussions about the original scope of this project, as well as the movement of the police and firefighter memorials.  These issues were all resolved, and I glad we are now able to move forward with construction.  This is  one of three new parks in the Towson area.”

The other new parks are Radebaugh Park and Adelaide Bentley Park, in east Towson.

“It’s exciting that Baltimore County is bringing beautiful green space to downtown Towson while at the same time respecting the sanctity of the memorials to our fallen police and firefighters,” Councilwoman Vicki Almond said in an email.

The County consulted with the Towson Chamber of Commerce, the Greater Towson Council of Community Associations (GTCCA) and representatives of the fire and police unions and memorial associations to gather input on the design, which was developed by Rubeling & Associates, a Towson architectural firm.

“I was pleased to be asked to provide input as to what should be reflected in the final design,” Paul Hartman, a member of the GTCCA, said in a statement. “I think the company did a great job trying to capture everyone’s ideas. I am especially happy about the plan to increase green space and reduce hardscape.”

Funds for the project, estimated to cost between $3 and $4 million, were approved by the County Council in the FY2017 operating budget. The new green plaza is expected to be completed in June 2018.

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