October 22, 2021

New trash policies for Baltimore County

Changes to yard waste, holiday schedules, new can rules, and more
October 13, 2021

Baltimore County seeks public input on Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

The public survey, interactive map, and public comment will be open for responses until November 14, 2021.
October 11, 2021

Free native trees

Trees cool and clean our air, absorb stormwater, increase biodiversity, and beautify our neighborhoods.
October 11, 2021

Towson Loop circulator bus starts Oct. 12

The free bus travels down York Road and throughout downtown Towson.
October 9, 2021

Chef Raba coming to York & Regester

Clavel's Carlos Raba is opening a taqueria in Towson this spring
January 30, 2020

Baltimore County not recycling glass it collects

Glass hasn't been recycled since 2013.
April 1, 2019

Changes at The Towson Flyer

1.6kviewsA note to readers: The Flyer is transitioning into an […]
October 1, 2018

Baltimore County should ease restrictions to allow more backyard chickens

Commentary from a backyard-chicken enthusiast and author
August 9, 2018

Pets of the Week: Buddy and Callie

388viewsHere are the Pets of the Week from the Baltimore […]
July 30, 2018

Curly-hair tips and tricks from a Towson stylist

Erica Brannock of SASS Salon in Anneslie shares the secret to gorgeous, natural curls