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Baltimore County seeks public input on Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan

Baltimore County bicycle master plan

News release: The Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation (DPWT) is requesting input from County residents to inform Baltimore County’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.

The County has provided three ways for the public to offer feedback:

  • A new online survey that asks residents to help the County identify streets or intersections where active transportation facility improvements are needed and identify current use of and experiences when using active transportation facilities
  • Residents may also use an online interactive tool to map their ideas for bicycle and pedestrian improvements in Baltimore County.
  • Community members may also provide written comment with ideas or questions. 

“Enhancing bicycling and walking in the region will contribute to the local economy, promote active lifestyles, and grow regional tourism,” said Acting Director of Public Works and Transportation D’Andrea Walker. “We look forward to partnership for community members so we can continue our efforts to plan for the future of our County’s transportation infrastructure.”

The Baltimore County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan will provide important updates to the County’s existing Eastern and Western Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plans, which were developed nearly 15 years ago.

The key elements of the County’s new master planning process include identifying the policy and physical barriers to complete streets and active transportation circulation, analyzing and developing policy and physical alternatives, and prioritizing improvements.

The public survey, interactive map, and public comment will be open for responses until November 14, 2021.

Following this community input, Baltimore County will develop recommendations for the County Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and will release a draft report in early 2022.

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