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Nine arrested outside White Marsh mall Saturday night


Seven juveniles and two adults were arrested outside of White Marsh Mall just after 9 p.m. on Saturday following a large disturbance, police say. 

A Baltimore County news release says:

As an off-duty Baltimore County officer working secondary employment for the White Marsh Mall assisted mall security officers in moving large crowds of juveniles and young adults out of the mall and off of the property one group became hostile with the officers, culminating in one adult suspect attempting to punch the police officer. The officer was able to block the punch, but as he initiated an arrest for the assault the rest of the group surrounded the officer and mall security officers. The police officer sprayed pepper spray into the air in an effort to disperse the crowd. Groups of people began running away, causing additional disturbances. Some ran into Ring Road around the mall and began blocking the free flow of traffic. Other groups crossed Honeygo Boulevard to The Avenue at White Marsh, where there is a strict 9 p.m. curfew in place. Security at the Avenue began moving the youths off of their property, as well.

Officers from the White Marsh, Parkville, Essex and Dundalk precincts responded to assist in controlling and dispersing the crowds, as well as Maryland State Police from Golden Ring Barrack and BCoPD aviation. The crowd was successfully dispersed when a large group left the area on a public transit bus. At this time police continue to patrol and monitor the area while additional juveniles await rides home but the situation is now reportedly under control.

This incident resulted in the arrest of seven juveniles and one adult for disorderly conduct, and the initial arrest of the adult for assault on a police officer, second degree assault, disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. The arrestees could face additional charges.

Councilman David Marks said on his Facebook page: 

“I believe a youth escort policy would greatly improve security at White Marsh Mall. Two years ago, our office pushed to adopt this at Towson Town Center – which is in my district – and it has worked. White Marsh Mall has not done the same.

Having said that, a youth escort policy is not a cure-all. Adults were involved in last night’s incident. I look forward to sitting down with the police and others to make sure this never happens again.”

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