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Baltimore County libraries are accepting donations of school supplies

BCPL says: Baltimore County Public Schools’ annual “Back to School Involves You, Too!” school supply drive is in progress, and all of Baltimore County Public Library’s 19 branches are accepting donations. The donations will help to ensure a successful start to the school year for Baltimore County’s 112,000+ students on Tuesday, September 4.
While the drive, which is held in association with The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools, appeals for school supplies of all kinds, the most-needed items are folders, composition books/notebooks, pencils, crayons, highlighters/markers, glue sticks, scissors, backpacks, binders, pens and Post-It notes.

Donations can be placed in the large cardboard boxes that are conspicuously displayed in each library.
Items can be dropped off at library branches through Friday, August 17, but the library’s involvement with the campaign closes with an August 18 “Stuff a Truck” event at the Cockeysville Branch. The event, which is in partnership with Today’s 101.9, will be hosted by morning show host Greg Carpenter from 12 to 2 p.m. and invite the public to drop off last-minute donations.
Once the drive ends, donations will be taken to Boscov’s at White Marsh Mall and sorted. Baltimore County Public Schools teachers will be asked to make an appointment to visit the location on August 25 and pick up items they can share with their students in need.
“The last thing children should worry about on the first day of school is a lack of supplies,” said Baltimore County Public Library director Paula Miller “and we’re happy to be able to help kids in need get started on a successful year.”
“The Education Foundation of Baltimore County Public Schools extends a grateful ‘thank you’ to the community and business partners for their continuous and growing support of the BCPS school supply drive, “Back to School Involves You, Too” Campaign,” said Deborah S. Phelps, executive director, The Education Foundation of BCPS, Inc. “The initiative is a reminder that all those who give – from retirees to elected officials to our community partners – have a stake in ensuring a successful start to the new school year.”

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