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Vicki Almond doesn’t want to be interim County Executive


The death of County Executive Kevin Kamenetz means that the County Council needs to name someone to fill the remainder of his term, which would have ended in December. There were rumors that the Council would choose Councilwoman Vicki Almond, who is running for the seat, which some said would be unfair to the other candidates.

At a public-input hearing on Tuesday, Almond said she did not want the interim job.

“Kevin Kamenetz believed in fair and vigorous campaigns, and so do I. Kevin’s successor should not be chosen as part of a political coronation by council colleagues. This was not who Kevin was and it is not who I am. Choosing a person to serve as a caretaker for the remaining months of County Executive Kamenetz’s term should not be tainted by the politics of a pending campaign,” she said.

“This is why, despite having the support of my democratic colleagues for this appointment, I am taking my name out of consideration to be selected by the council to serve as county executive for the next seven months.”

She is running in the Democratic primary against former state delegate Johnny Olszewski Jr.  and state Sen. Jim Brochin.

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