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Rodgers Forge board exploring how to remove racist language from covenants

At its next meeting, the Rodgers Forge board will look into the issue of removing the racist language that is now in many of the neighborhood’s covenants.

The offensive language, which says the homes may not be “occupied by any negro or person of negro extraction” unless he or she is a domestic servant, is not enforceable, thanks to federal law. But many still feel it should be removed. The Baltimore Sun has an in-depth story today about Rodgers Forge’s covenants and the prevalence of similar covenants in many parts of the country in the 1900s.

Rodgers Forge has probably dozens of different sets of covenants, so amending them will likely be a labor-intensive undertaking. For a detailed account of Rodgers Forge covenants, see this story.

Information about Rodgers Forge covenants

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