Verletta White
At the beginning of the school year, Baltimore County Public Schools unveiled to parents a new grading policy that said homework and behavior would no longer count toward students’ grades. Then earlier this week, BCPS met with PTA representatives and released an addendum to the new policy to clarify how grades should be determined.
Today in an interview, BCPS Chief Academic Officer Verletta White added more details about the addendum. She said the new grading policy has not been changed. Instead, she said, BCPS is giving teachers and parents more information about how grades should be determined.
Feedback from teachers indicated that they needed more examples of assignments that could be used to grade students, White said. Some teachers — as well as parents and students — were under the impression that tests and quizzes should make up the bulk of students’ grades.
“One third of the grade should be based on tests and quizzes, and two thirds should be based on other assignments and demonstrations of learning, such as labs, projects and recitation,” White said, adding that those measures could include work that was done at home.
White said BCPS would also like teachers as different schools to coordinate more closely their policies for allowing students to re-do tests or assignments on which they got bad marks. So, for example, all fifth grade teachers at West Towson Elementary would have the same policy, where as their counterparts at a different school might have a different policy.
However, system-wide tests are not eligible for do-overs, said Christina Byers, senior executive director of curriculum operations for BCPS. And a blanket policy about other do-overs would not make sense, she said.
“Teachers may have assignments where most students do not do well, and they can say, ‘Well, that’s about my teaching, so I need to re-teach and then re-assess this portion,'” Byers said. “It would be difficult in a system as large as ours to say what can and can’t be re-done systemwide.”
The addendum to the policy also highlights the rule that a score on a single test or assignment cannot reduce a student’s overall grade by more than one letter grade. For example, a student who has an A in a class and then fails a test can’t then receive an overall class grade lower than a B.
Some parents have expressed frustration that the new policy seemed to have not been well thought-out or well executed, but White said it was not a rushed process.
“This policy was adopted in 2015 and we used the 2015-2016 school year for professional development among principals, assistant principals, STAT teachers and department chairs. It wasn’t a last-minute implementation,” White said.
“I think with any shift in practices, there’s going to be an implementation gap with a need for clarifying people’s understanding,” White said. “We are a large school system and we need to make sure we provide an avenue to ask questions and to continue to provide support to our educators.”
It is no surprise that the recent meeting for BCPS PTSA presidents – with area superintendents – was not in the spirit of a true “feedback from the community” session, for which those PTSA presidents meticulously and tirelessly gathered input to give as feedback for BCPS about the grading policy debacle. As usual, there is the appearance of community outreach, but it is nothing more than an appearance. After all, BCPS does very much care about appearances (versus reality). Ms. White, in addition to many trips and speaking engagements for the digital transformation of our school system, is also a member of The Center for Digital Education and is part of their Chief Academic Officers’ Working Group. Interestingly, Dr. Mark Edwards from Discovery Education, BCPS’s vendor and quote-“thought partner”, is on The Center for Digital Ed’s list of 2016 Honorees. Also interesting, and as a side note, is that BCPS recently increased their contract spending authority with Discovery Ed by $6-million (to $10-million), mere weeks after longtime friend and mentor of Dr. Dance (Dr. Mark Edwards), joined their team as VP of Digital Learning. Superintendent Dance also graced the cover of the Center for Digital Ed’s magazine, Converge. The connections are simply astounding. Ms. White, along with Ryan Imbriale, BCPS’ Executive Director of Innovative Learning, is also on the Superintendents’ Working Group in the Office of Educational Technology for the U.S. Department of Education. She also was a speaker, with other BCPS employees, at the ASU… Read more »
Is that your own youtube “news channel” you are citing here, or someone else’s ?
Sounds like the team at BCPS is smart and experienced… I’m so glad to have them all working for our kids!
More double talk from BCPS. Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain. Business as usual for BCPS.
What? I think people can look at the grading policy pdf and see that the claim of no change with the addendum does not make sense…especially regarding classwork and homework — there were whole discussions on homework not essentially counting in multiple places — but I am glad that such demonstrative student work will indeed make up a more logical proportion of a students’ grades, instead of the system being overly reliant on tests and assessments. So thanks for the no-change change!
What I don’t think is fair is teachers being blamed for all this..the ‘concept’ went from minor testing/use to widespread implementation, launched with a contradictory policy document. The truth is a slippery concept at BCPS lately.
When are they going to fix the ridiculous grades kids received in first quarter?