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Opponents of new Royal Farms plan to rally Monday

Rendering of Royal Farms at York & Bosley

gta-protest royal farmsThe Green Towson Alliance and Towson residents plan to hold a rally Monday, Oct. 3, just prior to the County Council meeting in which Councilman David Marks is expected to introduce a resolution that would start the review process for a large Royal Farms at York Road and Bosley Avenue. Marks has said he’s gotten pressure from County Executive Kevin Kamenetz to green light the project, although the Kamenetz administration denies that.

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October 3, 2016 10:48 am

Corner 1 = A jail and a church
Corner 2 = A 24 Hour GAS STATION
Corner 3 = A Car dealership

There is no better place to consider a new gas station which will promote competition in pricing. Look at the corner of Seminary and York which has 3 gas stations. The Prices there are generally significantly cheaper than the Exxon at York and Bosely.
Stop the madness and the feigned outrage. This would be a very positive improvement for the area. Royal Farms is a locally owned business and has every right to put a location there.

Sam C
Sam C
October 3, 2016 12:42 pm
Reply to  Scott-Towson

I agree. Thank you for your rational inclusion into development bashing.

October 3, 2016 1:05 pm
Reply to  Scott-Towson

By “significantly cheaper,” you mean pennies cheaper? And you’re saying that the other corners are messed up, so why not mess up this one, too? (Although, I don’t know what’s so bad about a church. Or the detention center, for that matter.)

October 3, 2016 7:45 am

Diesel fuel will attract big trucks because there are no truck stops near the 83 & 695 interstates. Big trucks need lots of fuel and rest time.

Our county executive seems to pretend there is no problem. Many citizens see this as an outrageous scheme by Kevin Kamenetz to benefit his friend. Follow the money and calculate the long term tax payments. Is our executive making the best financial deal for taxpayers or his long time friend David Adler?

It would be better for taxpayers to give away the land and have a mixed use project pay $550,000 per year in property taxes. This scheme will yield less than 1/20th of that amount for this golden corner in perpetuity.

Sam C
Sam C
October 3, 2016 12:45 pm
Reply to  Roger

The fearmongers already shot down the mixed use plan. Any and all change will be vehemently fought until this property becomes unattractive for development, because of non-market obstructionism, and turns into a pile of ruble similar to the Towson Triangle.

October 3, 2016 8:03 pm
Reply to  Roger

I fear dumb planning and support smart lawful development. The difference is night and day. There are smart developers like Tom Bozzuto and the wonderful Avalon mixed use coming to the Trader Joe’s site. They think long term and plan smartly. This sure seems like a scheme to me.

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