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Marisol Johnson will propose amendment to BCPS heat policy

Marisol Johnson

Marisol Johnson

Baltimore County Pubic Schools board member Marisol Johnson said she will offer an amendment at Tuesday’s meeting that would alter the newly passed heat-closure policy.

The current policy, which was passed on Aug. 9, mandates that all schools without air conditioning must close if the heat index is forecast to reach 90 degrees or more. So far, those schools have been closed twice since the beginning of the year.

“I am thankful that our Chair [Charles McDaniels] had the foresight to add the Heat Policy discussion to the meeting tomorrow. I do plan on proposing an Amendment at tomorrow’s meeting.  What amendment specifically, I haven’t decided. I’m still doing my research and speaking with parents and teachers,” Johnson said in an email.

“I am leaning towards offering an amendment that states the heat index needs to reach 90 degrees (or other designated temp), by a specific time.  However,  I look forward to having further discussion with the Board about other options and I’m open to additional changes to the policy,” she said.


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August 29, 2016 9:04 pm

“I am not saying there is an easy solution, but the discussion needs to be how to change the conditions for these schools and not argue over the temperature in the heat policy.” from a BCPS teacher

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