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Is Gov. Hogan about to mandate that schools start after Labor Day?

Maryland Comptroller Peter Franchot’s office says he and Gov. Larry Hogan will make “an important announcement regarding Maryland’s public school starting date” later this month in Ocean City.

Rumor has it that Hogan is going to use an executive order to mandate that all public schools in Maryland move their start dates to after Labor Day, but that has not been confirmed.

Hogan, Franchot and former governor Martin O’Malley have all said they favor starting school after Labor Day, but so far there has been no law requiring it. Franchot said last year he might “have a conversation” with Hogan about changing the date via an executive order.

According to a 2015 article in The Baltimore Sun, giving people more time to spend at the beach, the state fair or other local getaways would help Maryland businesses. “The Bureau of Revenue Estimates projects a post-Labor Day start would boost economic activity by $74.3 million and contribute $7.7 million in revenue to state and local coffers,” the Sun reported in this article.

franchot start labor day

The article also notes that all school superintendents in the state have in the past opposed mandating a later start date. Some argue that a later start date would push the school year into late June, but others contend there might be more creative ways of adjusting the calendar. The state mandates that public schools have at least 180 school days.

In 2014, the Maryland State Education Association, the Public School Superintendents Association of Maryland and the Maryland Association of Boards of Education wrote to O’Malley and General Assembly leaders urging them not to move the start date to after Labor Day.

They wrote:

Successful teaching and learning requires adequate and robust professional development for school employees. While supporters of a post-Labor Day start champion a later onset of school, they also reject extending the school year to accommodate this delay. The result is that crucial professional development days will be squeezed out of the calendar and eliminated. The underlying assumption—that professional development is somehow not valuable or necessary—is simply untrue. Rather, it is incredibly important and supports our priorities as a state: successfully implementing Maryland’s Common Core Curriculum Framework, developing effective strategies to narrow achievement gaps, establishing safe schools for students and staff, and more. [Read the full letter here.]

Hogan and Franchot have also been vocal critics of Baltimore County’s lack of air conditioning in several dozen schools and County Executive Kevin Kamenetz’ decision against putting portable AC units in schools that don’t have central air. The county is on track to have AC in all its schools in the next several years.

Kamenetz said in a letter to principals and PTA members that “given the deteriorating condition of the remaining schools in question, window air conditioners do not appear to be a wise choice for Baltimore County. Aging electrical wiring will not accommodate the electrical needs of window units and would require hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement electrical upgrades for a very short-term, ‘band aid’ approach.”

Since then, the Baltimore County school board instituted a new policy that mandates that schools without AC close whenever the heat index is forecast to reach 90° or more. Schools were closed one day last week and will likely be closed several more days this coming week.

Hogan and Franchot’s annoucement is set for Aug. 31 on the Ocean City boardwalk.

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August 30, 2016 11:18 pm

The Governor does not have the authority to sign an executive order mandating a post Labor Day start for all public schools. There is nothing in Maryland law or the Maryland Constitution that gives him the power to do this. The State Board of Education or the State Superintendent may have the authority under the law, but not the Governor. The Governor is overstepping his authority in an area that really should be decided by local boards of education. Why is he mandating this? Why does he not hold hearings on his proposal and hear what the public has to say?

John C. Cassell
John C. Cassell
August 30, 2016 9:42 pm

Some parents think starting before Labor Day is just the right thing to do.
But, those parents are not thinking education their thinking DAY CARE.
Only the true fun loving parents know their kids will NOT be thinking about school if they go back before Labor Day. I would say most kids are thinking great just 4 days and mom will take me out on Friday so we can go away for the long Labor Day Weekend. What can staring before help add to their true education values.
Also can the County handle the additional cost of running A/C in schools if the start date is moved back ?$?$
Last the tax value on that week up to Labor Day can bring in more money but, lost if we go back the week before. Can the State and County afford that lost of tax revenue ?$?$ A politicians nightmare to explain.

August 30, 2016 8:50 pm

Absolutely schools should start after Labor Day! Summer time is important for little kids and big kids.

August 30, 2016 3:58 pm

All for starting school after Labor Day! What happen to summer days!
I have heard so many children express they do not know why they should go back before Labor Day! After Labor they are more excited to go to school! Don’t take our summer’s away!

Valia Vassila
Valia Vassila
August 30, 2016 12:59 pm

Students should come back to school after Labor Day. It makes absolutely no sense to have school for 4 or 5 days and then go off for the long weekend. Many parents are pulling the students out of school the Friday and even Thursday before Labor Day and often do not return the day after either. Please bring the school year to where it used to be. Thank you.

Valia Vassila
Valia Vassila
August 30, 2016 12:54 pm

Students SHOULD come to school after Labor Day. It makes absolutely no sense to have the students for three or four days and then have a long weekend. Most of the students are not present the Friday before Labor Day and often are absent the day after. Please bring the school year where it used to be

Linda Cassell
Linda Cassell
August 30, 2016 12:45 pm

Please, Please Governor Hogan… have schools start after Labor Day. My son is a lifeguard and will not be able to do the job this summer if Montgomery County makes us start mid August. I am an esl teacher and many of my students are coming from overseas and the families have a hard time getting settled by the start of school. Finally, summer is summer and our kids need time with families to vacation, not be stuck in hot classrooms or on playgrounds. Please stick to your plan and have school start after Labor Day. Thank you for doing this. A concerned teacher and parent.

Lola crowthet
Lola crowthet
August 29, 2016 2:45 pm

Schools should start after Labor Day.i do not nderstand why they changed it in the first place.if teachers have to do training classes etc to teach they need to do it on their time not our children’s time.they should have their so called professional days done on Henri time not the children’s.we always went back after Labor Day and got out around June the 19th.please let this happen.

Learn to write
Learn to write
August 29, 2016 4:38 pm
Reply to  Lola crowthet

And with more time off during the summer it is possible that more students will end up writing like you.

Ann Baker
Ann Baker
August 29, 2016 5:04 pm
Reply to  Lola crowthet

So you expect a teacher to work and not get paid? Do you work and not get paid?

August 30, 2016 9:35 pm
Reply to  Ann Baker

Uh I work past five and don’t get paid extra. I work on Saturdays and don’t get paid extra. Any additional classes I may take to catch up on accounting laws are done on my own dime and time. Teachers are not doing anything more or less than me.

Julie Harrell
Julie Harrell
August 29, 2016 2:41 pm

Schools should start after Labor Day & end the Friday before Memorial Day. Students could still get 180 days of school that are mandated by the state if they adjusted the calendar taking out all professional days and all unnecessary holidays. Instead of a week-long Thanksgiving break make it a three-day Thanksgiving break instead of a 10-day spring break make it a 4 day Spring break it is possible to get a hundred eighty days in the school year starting after Labor Day and ending Before Memorial Day.

August 29, 2016 2:33 pm

Get rid of Common Core, and that would eliminate days for that program! Pay teachers for their seminars, workshops and professional development days in the summer, when school is not in session. Win/win…..teachers get a paycheck during the summer, and the kids don’t have to go to school longer.

Ann Baker
Ann Baker
August 29, 2016 5:07 pm
Reply to  Vicky

Which days are Common Core days? Counties can’t even pay for cost of living increases, how do you expect counties to pay extra for professional development?

August 29, 2016 2:02 pm

After Labor Day! Why did they ever change it?? When I was in school we went after Labor Day and got out beginning of June.. We had plenty of snow days and days off.. Maybe we don’t need a week off for Thanksgiving or a week off for Spring break in Harford County, can’t plan anything for spring break anyway because they take back the days if we have a snow day.

August 29, 2016 1:31 pm

I think it should go back to the way it was after Labor Day that way it would cut down on how much schools without ac will miss our children need an education and cut out half of these professional days

JC of Old Balto. Co.
JC of Old Balto. Co.
August 29, 2016 1:26 pm

I vote AFTER Labor Day opening!!!

JC of Old Balto. Co.
JC of Old Balto. Co.
August 29, 2016 1:24 pm

Schools should have NEVER changed the starting times in the first place! Years ago, school started after Labor Day and kids learned!!! Teachers actually stood up in class and taught! Maybe the Gods to be, should implement the Blue Law again! Look back, and see what values families had, and compare them with today! Sunday’s were family days, homework project days, and just relaxing days! Maybe if there was time to regroup and get things done, all could be a bit better.
Oh yeah, we had some BIG snows back then & hot days!!! Somehow we did just fine! We pamper ourselves TOOOOO much these days and the kids are TOOOO spoiled!!! JUST SAYING!

August 29, 2016 1:22 pm

Gotta love reporting that is based on rumor and non-confirmation.

August 29, 2016 3:14 pm
Reply to  TowsonFlyer

okey doke

Rachel Ashby
Rachel Ashby
August 29, 2016 10:38 am

I support staring school after Labor Day, throughout Maryland.

August 29, 2016 9:45 am

It has made me angry for a very long time that school starts before Labor Day! For decades it started after Labor Day! No one died, the end of the school year still came around, Kids were still educated. But that was a time when life was a little more predictable for parents and their children. a time when families could plan a Labor Day week vacation if they wanted to. If it isn’t broken, please stop trying to fix it until it is.

August 29, 2016 9:38 am

What if they added 30 minutes to each school day? I thought it was not necessarily 180 days but an hours requirement. That could still allow for a post Labor Day start and an early to mid June completion while keeping Winter and Spring Break.

Ann Baker
Ann Baker
August 29, 2016 5:09 pm
Reply to  Anonymous

The state mandates days not hours.

August 30, 2016 9:08 am
Reply to  Ann Baker

I wondered if they would consider changing the language from “and” to “or” or adding or? 180 actual school days AND/OR a minimum of 1,080 school hours? Article – Education [Previous][Next] §7–103. (a) Except as provided in subsections (b), (e), and (f) of this section, each public school under the jurisdiction of a county board: (1) (i) Shall be open for pupil attendance for at least 180 actual school days and a minimum of 1,080 school hours during a 10–month period in each school year; or (ii) If normal school attendance is prevented because of conditions described in subsection (b) of this section, shall be open for at least 1,080 hours during a 10–month period; (2) Shall be open for pupil attendance a minimum of 3 hours during each school day; and (3) May not be open on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays in order to meet the 180–day or 1,080–hour requirement of this subsection. (b) (1) If a county board submits a written application to the State Board that describes a demonstrated effort by the county board to comply with subsection (a) of this section, the State Board may permit: (i) Adjustments in the length of the school year; (ii) Exceptions from the requirement that the school year be completed within a 10–month period; (iii) Adjustments in the length of the school day; and (iv) Schools to be open on holidays. (2) These adjustments may be granted only if normal school attendance is prevented because of: (i) Natural disaster; (ii)… Read more »

August 29, 2016 8:59 am

School still Started after Labor day in the late 90s and early 2000s in Maryland and it didn’t end in July ,does the school system have amnesia?
They accomplished it not that long ago it would be safe to say they could do it again as long as they are sticking to the 180 days as a maximum.

August 29, 2016 8:45 am

There are a few things very wrong with that 2014 statement from Maryland State Education Association, the Public School Superintendents Association of Maryland and the Maryland Association of Boards of Education.

1. Professional Days when teachers are supposed to be able to “catch up” are filled with meetings, seminars and lectures so they don’t “catch up”.
2. “Common Core” should be “Common Crap”. Scrap the dismal program and teach kids how to add, subtract, multiply, divide, read and write (including cursive). Why are we “dumbing down” our kids? The test score means absolutely nothing is the contents of the test were crap.

August 29, 2016 7:31 am

Absolutely reductions that any school
Doesn’t have AC!

Tobye Karp
Tobye Karp
August 29, 2016 1:21 am

When I was in school in Baltimore City many years ago. We started after Labor day, had Spring and Winter breajs and out of school around the q5th of Kune. Even with snow days we did not have days added. Up North they dtart after Labor day and even have winter and spring breaks. What is the problem here.

August 29, 2016 12:42 am

as long as they compensate for this without screwing teachers out of development days, and students out of days of education, I think this is great.
Here’s a crazy idea – reduce/remove 2-3 of the holidays. Stop being so incredibly liberal with weather delays/closings.

Kelly hargis
Kelly hargis
August 29, 2016 12:34 am

School should start after labor day so family time can be spent at our state fair, and one last weekend down the harbor or science center. One last week of family bonding time.

Susan Maupin
Susan Maupin
August 28, 2016 10:00 pm

School should start after Labor Day for all students for several reasons; let kids enjoy the summer, vacations, temperatures, state revenues and more. Professional development for teachers is important as well, however, that can happen during the time school is out.

Diane Ballentine
Diane Ballentine
August 28, 2016 9:59 pm

Take out The Spring Break. Never had when I was in school and not needed. There are alsp a lot of days built in for ESP (I am one) that has off but is not paid. Take out those days and have us work. Keep the same ending date. There ARE ways!

August 28, 2016 9:29 pm

I thinking schools should start after Labor Day. Why can’t the teacher’s professional development days be held in the summer? Why do they have to be held throughout the school year?

August 28, 2016 11:46 pm
Reply to  cjl

Because that’s extra monies that the counties aren’t willing to pay the extra money necessary to do it, that’s why.

Ann Baker
Ann Baker
August 29, 2016 6:56 am
Reply to  cjl

Teachers and staff are not paid to work during the summer.

August 28, 2016 8:26 pm

Yes after Labor Day please

Jenifer Dawson
Jenifer Dawson
August 28, 2016 8:22 pm

It worked in the sixties! Let’s do it!

R.A. Bass
August 28, 2016 8:09 pm

What you take from the front you put in the back…..A post Labor Day start sounds great till you take in account snow days and make up days. Parents aren’t going to be happy once little Susie or Jimmy are still sitting in classrooms in the middle of July. Let LOCAL superintendents and BOE’s make the call on starting dates for schools. Besides…..when was the last time Gov. Hogan drug his bottom beyond Frederick to see what the conditions are like in the western counties anyway ???

August 28, 2016 10:24 pm
Reply to  R.A. Bass

As a parent, I’m frustrated with the calendar as it has been in previous years. While I’m all for professional development the constant interruptions to the school schedule has to be detrimental to the learning process. Just as the students and teachers get into a lesson they have another day off. Not to mention the difficulty working parents have in finding daycare or being forced to use vacation days because care isn’t available or affordable. Please move professional development days to before, after or during the school year or during a scheduled break (I.e. winter, spring). I’m thrilled at the prospect of starting directly following Labor Day. And without all the “Professional Days” the school year would be a more reasonable schedule.

August 29, 2016 12:30 pm
Reply to  Hope369

So everyone should be able to enjoy their break…except for teachers and staff.

Ann Baker
Ann Baker
August 29, 2016 5:11 pm
Reply to  Hope369

Schools and teachers should not be considered as your daycare.

August 28, 2016 7:38 pm

From the article above: “Kamenetz said in a letter to principals and PTA members that ‘given the deteriorating condition of the remaining schools in question, window air conditioners do not appear to be a wise choice for Baltimore County. Aging electrical wiring will not accommodate the electrical needs of window units and would require hundreds of thousands of dollars to implement electrical upgrades for a very short-term, ‘band aid’ approach.'” Superintendent of Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS), Dr. Dallas Dance – in a an effort to push his version of what is really a (disguised as his own) national ed tech initiative that will forever change teaching and learning to something that is computer-centered and technology-driven, is in the middle of a several hundred million dollar digital conversion for BCPS, called STAT. This will also necessitate electrical upgrades that are intended for interactive classrooms, projector screens, fancy sound systems and, ultimately, virtual teaching and learning. Shall we infer that the superintendent’s digital initiative is a priority over the health, safety and wellbeing of the students, teachers and staff within those aging buildings? Should we infer from the County Executive’s quote above that electrical upgrades are something he is willing to fund for STAT, but not for the immediate relief of suffering, health issues and unreasonable learning conditions due to heat? Mr. Kamenetz and Dr. Dance seem to believe that electrical upgrades are okay so long as they are part of the thing that gets the most national attention. Unfortunately, a/c… Read more »

August 28, 2016 9:13 pm
Reply to  BCPS-Watch

Here, County Executive Kamentez talks about his version/vision of “21st Century Schools” where his video speech is played for a room full of superintendents from across the country, and in which he talks about the multi-million dollar endeavor it truly is. Baltimore County Public Schools’ vendor and video curriculum service provider, Discovery Education, hosted the event. Start video at 31 minutes to see Mr. Kamenetz’s couple minute speech. Watch the entire thing to witness superintendents strategizing together on how to manipulate the public for their buy-in for going digital in the classroom. Kamenetz says that he is “100% on the same page as Dr. Dance”.

August 28, 2016 7:18 pm

Working parents cannot take their vacation anytime. Especially when you’re essential staff. School should start after Labor Day and end June 1st. It’s either our kids miss school for a week or two or start at the end of summer so we can take a vacation

Ann Baker
Ann Baker
August 29, 2016 5:12 pm
Reply to  Crystal

Are vacations more important than education?

Jan Wilson
Jan Wilson
August 28, 2016 6:54 pm

Baltimore Co Schools started 3 Days earlier. We also now are going later than last year. This will soon be a year round schootel. Staff development days each month., is adding to the extended school year. If we start after Labor day Balto Co kids will have to go until July. When will we get our family vacation in.

Bruce Caulk
Bruce Caulk
August 28, 2016 6:20 pm

Start the day after Labor Day and end June 1. My kids spend more days taking tests that have nothing to do with grades or true education and days at the end of the year just wacthing movies. All professionals have required professional days and we all have deadlines to work within to meet these requirements, this is not something unique to teachers.

August 28, 2016 7:13 pm
Reply to  Bruce Caulk

“All professionals have required professional days”. Yes, but most professionals can attend meetings and conferences and their work can be done when they return. In order to attend a professional development meeting, teachers are required to, a. Secure a substitute teacher, and b. Create substitute lesson plans for that substitute. If all professionals had to request a substitute to sit at their desk every time they attended a meeting AND write up detailed plans for what the substitute should do while they’re gone…….my guess is the policy would get changed pretty quick.

D.M Ballard
August 28, 2016 6:01 pm

Getting schools to start after labor day is a fantastic idea. Let kids be kids for a little bit longer before they have to sit in a school building for 6 hours a day.

August 28, 2016 5:43 pm

I am all in favor and implore you to change the school srart date to after Labor Day. In regards to the issue of heat and lack of AC, early summer heat isn’t as oppressive as late summer heat. Also, there are ways of keeping the school year with professional days for teaching staff. I wouldbe happy to give my opinion s and suggestions if you contact me.

August 28, 2016 5:09 pm

When i was in school it was not the end of the summer til after Labor Day then we went back to school. That is how it should be that way people don’t have to end there vaction so early.

Trudie Whittington
Trudie Whittington
August 28, 2016 4:36 pm

Please change the school start to after labor day.

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