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BCPS to revisit new heat-closure policy

Baltimore County Public Schools’ board of education passed its new heat-closure policy on August 9. But the board will be reviewing that policy at this Tuesday’s meeting.

The new policy requires all non-air-conditioned schools to close when the forecast says the heat index will reach 90 degrees any time during that day. The announcement of closures is supposed to come by 8 pm the night before the closing.

heat policy

Tuesday’s agenda says the board will review the policy.

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Schools without AC were closed on Friday and, if the forecast holds, will be closed at least two additional days this coming week.


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August 29, 2016 9:02 pm

See this letter from a BCPS teacher. “I am not saying there is an easy solution, but the discussion needs to be how to change the conditions for these schools and not argue over the temperature in the heat policy.”

August 29, 2016 9:24 am

I believe that the BOE was in a very difficult position, when they passed this policy. The BOE policy did not create an inequity – that already existed based on who has AC/new/renovated schools, and communities that do not. The policy that was supported by ABCSchools was “(1) if heat index is predicted to be 90 degrees by 11am, close all schools for the day (2) if heat index is predicted to be 90 between 11am and 2pm, dismiss all schools 2 hours early.” The revision was a last minute change that was forced on the BOE from BCPS – who was then left with either having no heat closure policy, or the one we got. Many schools have less ventilation than they had even a few years ago; and some are hotter than others – more floors, less shade etc. – so I am conscious that my child’s experience in a non-AC school may not be the same as other children in other schools. BOE members have been working to keep children safe – I realize that this has become a political issue, but it shouldn’t be, and I am grateful that the BOE was trying to keep students safe. I am glad they are revisiting the issue – and hope that BCPS comes with real solutions – such as figuring out the bus transportation schedule so that non-AC schools can just close 2 hours early if the heat in the morning is not so bad. If not, closing… Read more »

Grateful Parent
Grateful Parent
August 29, 2016 1:28 pm
Reply to  parent

Well said!!

Concerned Parent
Concerned Parent
August 29, 2016 4:32 pm
Reply to  parent

Yes, very well said. However, I would like to make one point that people seem to overlook.

The heat that builds up in these schools doesn’t dissipate overnight. Just because it is “comfortable” or “not too hot” in the morning outside, doesn’t necessarily mean it will be anything but sweltering on the inside. As you mentioned, there is no real way to ventilate these schools. Then add 1000+ bodies and you are no better off than you were the day before.

AC is needed. Nothing else will make this better. I don’t want them to revisit the policy. I don’t want my child in that environment on days like today. I want them to figure out a way to cool these schools. I want our County Executive and school system to figure out a way to do the right thing NOW. Not a year from now. Not 2 or 3 or 5 years from now. NOW. They wanted technology NOW. They wanted school IDs and security NOW. And they did it because they wanted to. They can do this, too.

August 29, 2016 9:57 pm

The point about heat not dissipating is an excellent one. I am worried that too much attention is focused on the temperature/heat index, and not enough on creating solutions to make schools more tolerable for more students and teachers. Portable AC, putting more resources into buses, etc.

Grateful Parent
Grateful Parent
August 28, 2016 8:16 pm

Great work, Towson Flyer, keeping up on this! Forward thinking and accurate coverage, and a big issue for many parents…

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