Baltimore County said today:
Kevin Kamenetz
Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz presented the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Message and State of the County Address to the County Council this morning.
The County’s General Fund Operating Budget for FY 2017 is $1.99 billion, an increase of 1.27% above the previous year. The budget is within the Council’s spending affordability guidelines. …
This budget will also reduce the number of schools without central air conditioning to just 10 — down from 90 only six years ago — and those final 10 schools are on track to have central air conditioning installed by 2019, completing our mission to ensure comfortable learning environments for every single student in Baltimore County.
(I think they mean Dumbarton MS, unless there’s a Dumbarton Elementary I haven’t heard about.)
Read the full release here, and here’s a story in The Baltimore Sun about the budget.
Last October 48 schools lacked AC. Now only 37 are scheduled to get AC over the next 4 years. That’s only 77% of the schools needing AC. Did 11 of those 48 schools burn to the ground?
Last October Kaminitz was ragging on Hogan and Franchot to advance him 175,000,000 to install AC. It was their fault that he couldn’t add the AC. And yet Kaminetz failed to attend the Board of Public Works meeting when they invited Him to discuss his $175 million proposal. Instead, Kaminetz was hosting a coffee at the Essex Senior Center.
Give me a break.