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Family Dollar in Idlewylde to be blocked by zoning

Screen Shot 2016-03-25 at 10.06.14 AM

The Idlewylde neighborhood would not get a planned Family Dollar store thanks to new zoning proposed by County Councilman David Marks. The community had argued against having the store in their area.

Marks is proposing changing the site in the 6300 block of Sherwood Road from a “community business” zone to a “density residential” zone, which would only allow “low, medium and high density urban residential development.”

“The change eliminates the possibility of a discount store and allows for the construction of single-family homes or townhomes,” according to a release from Marks’ office. “The owner was involved in discussions that led to the agreement.”

“I would like to thank the Idlewylde Community Association for working with me on these issues, and I am happy we were able to come up with an alternative use for the site once proposed for a discount store,” Marks said in the release.

“The Idlewylde Community Association will continue to be vigilant about our business district, its appearance and public safety,” association president Peter Ismay said in the release.  “We thank Councilman Marks for including these properties as part of the zoning process, which helped lead to discussions about future uses.”

Marks said the site at 812 Regester Ave., an unoccupied Armacost Nursing Home, will remain “density residential” because “there are offers to renovate or redevelop the site.”

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