To start, here are the election results. There were about 25 to 30 people in attendance at the meeting, in addition to most members of the board. On the ballot were 13 candidates with 12 slots open. The winners of the election, in order of highest vote count to lowest, were:
Stu Sirota
Jennifer Helfrich
Dave Crockett, Del Schmidt, Mike Calwell* (tied)
Bryan Tillman
Ginny Allen
Eric Helfrich, John Rinehart (tied)
Kate Glorioso
Roxanne Rinehart, Jean Duvall (tied)
* Mike Calwell’s house is under contract and he will be moving out of Rodgers Forge soon. When he does, the president of the RFCA appoints his replacement and the choice must be approved by the board. The replacement serves on the board until the next annual meeting when he/she may run for a seat.
Christiane Rothbaum was not elected. She is the resident who sought a variance for a small deck in her back yard and whose request was fought by the board and its attorney. She told the gathering that if elected she would decline to sign the “loyalty oath” (Conduct of Board Members Statement). It can be read in full below. She also praised the board for many of its good work over the years.
The above results are unofficial; the official results will be announced by the board some time soon. This is important because last year two candidates that were said to have won at the annual meeting in fact had not won once the votes were double checked later.
You can find the candidates’ bios here.
Here’s what else happened at the meeting:
Sen. Jim Brochin spoke at the meeting, mostly about Question 7 on the ballot (adding a 6th casino in Maryland). He said he’s against it because it not only lowers the tax rate on casinos from 67% to about 50%, it also would eliminate personal property tax for casino owners while keeping it in place for all other businesses. He acknowledged that politicians always say that gambling money will be used for education but in fact they can use it for anything. He also re-stated his support for a hybrid school board – half appointed by the governor and half elected by voters. Currently all school board members are appointed by the governor.
Board president Jennifer Helfrich gave her report and noted that the board has tried to be more open in communications via the website and the blog and by publishing minutes online. She also pointed to, among other things, the Tree Rodgers Forge committee, the board’s work on vacant homes and the improved relationship with Towson University.
Resident Kathy Kolish said that the annual meeting should not coincide with Back to School Night at Dumbarton Middle as it frequently does. Helfrich said that changing the date would require changing the bylaws but resident Art Buist read from the bylaws and said it did not. Helfrich apologized for the mix up.
Chris Bieneman, co-president of the RFES PTA, asked about how the landscaping could be improved and funded at the school, which he noted was a centerpiece of the community. Nothing definitive was said in response.
Councilman Marks spoke and said 14 roads in Rodgers Forge will likely be resurfaced soon. He also said getting air conditioning at Dumbarton Middle is a top priority for Kevin Kamenetz, with whom he had just met. Marks said his understanding is that the time frame to get it done is two to three years. I asked afterward about a report by BCPS that puts Dumbarton behind all high schools and elementary schools in terms of AC priority; it is the top priority of middle schools. (See page 41 of this report.) Marks said he confirmed with a high-ranking official in the Kamenetz administration that DMS is a top priority and that the two to three year time frame still stands and that there is work being done on this independent of BCPS to identify money.
John Rinehart said he has noticed that curbs that were re-done recently are already showing cracks. Marks promised to investigate.
Marks also said he wants downtown Towson to be designated a business improvement district, and he acknowledged that Towson Commons (where the closed theater is) is an “enigma” and a problem.
He then gave Helfrich and Jean Duvall county proclamations for their service to Rodgers Forge, noting that Duvall has been on the board for 41 years. The board then also presented Duvall with a plaque to honor her service. Duvall said it’s important for people to know that because of Rodgers Forge’s recent historic designation, they may be eligible for tax credits for home improvements. Details are here.
Board attorney J. Carroll Holzer was in attendance but his presence was not announced. Helfrich said later he was there only to answer any procedural questions that might have been raised but none were.
Helfrich also said later that the new format for the newsletter (color images, a new layout and different fonts and graphics) cost about $100 more than the old newsletter and was paid for from discretionary funds the newsletter has, but that if the board moves forward with that format it will need to vote for a budget increase. She praised the new look but said Lisa Beyer, who revamped it, will not have time to take on the job on a permanent basis but will offer advice from time to time.
The meeting ended with the election, the results of which are noted above. Next week the board will vote on its new leadership (president, treasurer, etc.) The meeting is open to the public but I don’t know where or when it will be held: I will post an update when I know. However, only board members may vote and no other board business or votes will take place.
1. Board members may not present their views as representative of those of the RFC, Inc. Board of Governors where this is not the fact.
2. While serving as a Board member, one may not present oneself or one’s views in such a way wherein it could be inferred that these views represent those of the Board of Governors of the Rodgers Forge Community.
3. Board members may not usurp the authority, position, or responsibility of any individual on or any committee of the Board of Governors.
4. Board members will not undermine Board determinations. Important decisions are typically made via a board vote, with each issue being discussed and every member present having one vote. It is inappropriate to work against a Board decision because one disagrees with any particular outcome.